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Wheat berries are loaded with nutrients and are as easy as rice to prepare -- perfect for a meal any time of year. ... Wheat berries are whole wheat kernels. They look like thick, short grains -- similar to brown rice. Industrious folks grind them into whole wheat flour for baking; you may not have the time to regularly grind your own flour, but it’s a fun thing to try at least once.


Ancient grains refer to grains that have not been changed by selective GMO breeding over recent millennia. We source many of our grains from countries that have a total ban on all GMO's, herbicides and pesticides, and Monsanto, such as Turkey & Kyrgyzstan. Only 22 countries out of almost 200 around the world have a total ban on Monsanto and all GMO foods. An article published by the Scientific American also proves that almost ALL "Organic" food in the US is poisoned with chemicals. There are over 20 chemicals commonly used in the growing and processing of organic crops that are approved by the US Organic Standards. We are pleased and honored to be offering these ancient grains from these total ban GMO countries with no GMOs, chemicals or pesticides, you will taste the difference, we guarantee it!

Organic Wheat Berry

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